This is the very first edition of Links.Every week I will post 5 links to websites or a certain page which I find interesting or useful for everyone.


  1.  :-Create Logo,Buttons and Text for free and and very hassle-free.
  2.  :-Great place to learn how to lost weight fast and in a legal way.
  3. :-A great place to see tech video done by a few very dedicated people
  4.  :-A great website to search for music and join a active community of music addicts
  5.  :-Download almost any software here.Has Windows,Mac and Linux software too.


P.S:-I got this idea from Ganesh, creator of :).Have a look at his website.It is great.

I hope that my post benefited you in any way possible.If you have more websites that you want to share or leave any comments and suggestion you may do so in the comments section.Thanks